Barbour Weighs in on Democratic Debate
Capitol Resources Managing Partner Henry Barbour was was interviewed on Squawk Box on CNBC following Tuesday night’s Democratic debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Jim Webb, and Lincoln Chafee. He was featured alongside Burson-Marsteller CEO Don Baer.
“Hilary did win the debate, but lets not get too excited. She’s beating a socialist and three people who just didn’t belong on the stage,” Barbour said.
“If you want a third term of Barack Obama, then last night was a great and exciting night for you. But for folks who are worried about economic growth and jobs and securing the border, better, sensible foreign policy – you were a loser,” said Barbour. “Hilary Clinton may have lurched left of a socialist, but that’s not going to help her win the general election, and it’s not going to help get the country back on the right track.”
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Henry is a leading Republican strategist and operative and serves as National Committeeman for Mississippi on the Republican National Committee. He is also a close political ally to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. In 2013, Henry co-authored the RNC’s Growth and Opportunity Report, which developed a plan to grow the Party and improve Republican campaigns. He also serves on the RNC Executive Committee, Rules Committee and Debate Committee.
National political reporters often seek his political views, and he has been quoted many times in The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Politico and appeared on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CSPAN and others.